Some "FAQ's":
Some of the interesting things you'll find in my corner of cyberspace:
They're playing my song! Click the clef for musical entertainment...
Speaking of music, here is what's in my CD player right now...
Want to see what I deal with professionally everyday? Sure you do! Just click here!
Here is a link to a fantastic volunteer organization called City Cares of America. This organization essentially serves as a brokerage for thousands of local and nationally affiliated volunteer efforts. Their premise is that they help volunteer-minded individuals with busy schedules dedicate some of their time to volunteer activities that are both interesting and convenient to them. The affiliate that I worked with is Pittsburgh Cares, which deals with groups such as Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers and Sisters, Green Harvest, and Riverfront Clean Up projects, to name a few. If you live in or near a major city, visit the City Cares page to find out if there is an affiliate in your area.
Alas, this may not have been a thrilling trip through cyberspace. If I've really bored you, why not consider things to do when you're really bored? This is a link to a really amusing site which was created by Dylan Owens, obviously a child prodigy with a wry sense of humor and some time on his hands.
This site has been accessed an impressivetimes, to date.
Thanks to Webcounter for the counter gadget...which only works sporadically. Yell at them, not me!
I created this site with good old-fashioned "hand-written" HTML. No HTML editors were harmed!